Greater Love Inc.

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It all started during the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, when Martha contacted me (Gabriela) to find a way to secure food, clothing, shoes, and toys for some members of the church she attends, as they had lost their jobs. Those were very difficult times, as the entire world was in the same situation. The difference lay in the hearts and kindness of people who were always willing to help others and make a difference.

We found willing hearts, and little by little, we were able to provide food and essential items to 15 families in need. It wasn't much, but seeing the joy and gratitude reflected on the faces of these families—knowing that strangers were helping them in times of need—was incredibly refreshing for our souls and further ignited our desire to do more for people in need.

Those moments were desperate for both Martha and me. In our desire to help, we started discussing how we could continue to assist others. We enrolled in a missionary school, and upon completing the course, God granted us the opportunity for a missionary trip to Guatemala. Eager to help, we decided to continue with our journey. At that time, we included our mutual friend Carmen, who also has a heart for helping and serving. We decided that all three of us would go on this missionary trip.

We began planning to bring the items most needed in the three villages we would visit in Guatemala. We thought it would be easy since we were going with more people. But it wasn't! When we learned how many people lived in each of the three villages we had planned to visit and the great need they faced, we decided to seek donations from people or places. However, we received no responses and didn't know of any organizations that would back us.

So we decided to go shopping with our savings to fulfill some of the requests that had been entrusted to us. We quickly realized how frustrating it can be to want to buy products but not be able to do so due to a lack of resources. So we bought what our budget allowed!

The worst feeling came when we arrived at the villages and saw that the need was greater than we had anticipated. Especially for footwear; we noticed that people didn't care about the perfect size; they just wanted shoes for their feet. Even so, we were blessed by the hospitality and gratitude they showed for the necessary items we brought. We also learned a lot from them.

Once back from that missionary trip and even more committed to our desire to serve and help people in need, we met to share our experiences. We then made the decision to start our foundation together to obtain the resources needed to reach more people and meet the needs of our communities.

Greater Love was born out of love, compassion, mercy, and gratitude.